Memancing Harimau Turun Gunung

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Start your review of Memancing Harimau Turun Gunung:36 Strategi Perang Cina Kuno

Kisah klasik tentang kebijakan Cina kuno telah banyak didengar orang walaupun belum poly yang memahaminya. Buku ini menyampaikan & menafsirkan mengenai -36 Strategi Perang Cina Kuno- yang dapat bermanfaat tahu dinamika perang politik, sejarah,usaha, & hubungan manusiawi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Dalil primer menurut raja-raja perang Cina : Bila kekuatan senjata nir dapat menyelesaikan kasus, nalar buluslah yang akan menyelesaikannya, sementara itu deretan keduanya menaruh output ...more

Interesting but unfortunately outdated. So many of his examples were from the early 1990's and so much has changed over the last thirty years in the electronic/computer age....more

The West, and in particular, the United States, goes through periods of fascination and sometimes, fear, of all things Eastern. The fascination is well deserved, considering the rich and varied philosophical and cultural past of many Eastern cultures (I use Eastern in the loosest sense, that is, to mean non-European, and mostly Southeast and Central East Asian nations), more then beneficial. The 1980s was another one of these cycles of interest in the East, mostly represented in the rising econo...more

From chapter to chapter, this book explains deeply about the 36 strategies of Ancient China that not only could be used on a warfare, but also implemented to business or political movements. From the famous war of the Red Cliff from the Three Kingdom Era, to the Cold War and Cola War on the Modern Times, these strategies are transforming themselves into more practicable and applicable to a wide range of issues. As the cover says, it is a must-have-book for managers, where an understanding about...more

The 36 stratagems is an old chinese book on how to lead a fight and take the best decisions based on your present situation inside a conflict. Just like the Art of War or the Machiavel's Prince, I enjoy this kind of reading but might not be enough of a political person to be able to apply these strategies in real life, whereas I am sure some people would excel at it (some books based on this one have been written with its theories applied to go or other strategy games, or to business situations...more

I always enjoy analogies as a way to drive meaning towards a point. great little book that does just that with ancient Chinese wisdom for stress and challenges in terkini life.
